Dec 17, 20232 min readTHE LOST ART OF SHARING: NURTURING COMPASSION IN THE ERA OF 'MY'By P Mohan Chandran Is Sharing Becoming an Outdated Concept in Modern Parenting? In the fabric of childhood memories, certain threads...
Aug 3, 20232 min readTHE DIVINE CURRENCY: A CALL FOR INDIA'S NUMISMATIC EVOLUTIONBy P Mohan Chandran In the vast tapestry of global cultures, how does a nation choose the symbols that represent its identity? What...
Jul 24, 20232 min readVIDURA NEETI: THE TIMELESS WISDOM OF LEADERSHIP & LIFEBy P Mohan Chandran Have you ever paused to wonder about the core principles that define a great leader? What makes someone wise beyond...
Jul 14, 20233 min readHAS PARENTING TAKEN A BACKSEAT IN THE QUEST FOR MATERIAL PROSPERITY?By P Mohan Chandran As the pace of life has accelerated, have we unwittingly pressed the brake on one of humanity's oldest...
Jul 11, 20232 min readECHOES OF ANCIENT WISDOM: THE SCIENCE BEHIND INDIAN TRADITIONSBy P Mohan Chandran Have you ever contemplated the scientific rationale behind our seemingly mundane traditions? Why do we sprinkle cow...
Jul 2, 20233 min readTHE WHEEL OF TIME: HOW FORTUNE & RELATIONSHIPS DANCE ON ITS RIMBy P Mohan Chandran In the grand theater of life, nothing remains constant but change. It's a force that shapes our destiny, binds our...