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By P Mohan Chandran


Are We Witnessing a Shift in the Core Fabric of Society?


In an age where professional aspirations soar high and the cost-of-living climbs ever upward, a growing number of individuals are standing at a crossroads, contemplating a significant life choice: to have children or not. This decision, once governed by traditional societal norms, is increasingly influenced by the demands of demanding careers and the escalating costs of raising a child. As per a recent discussion ignited by a prominent 'finfluencer,' the question arises: Are we approaching an era where the choice of childlessness is not just an exception but a widespread norm?


The Work-Life Conundrum


The modern professional landscape, often characterized by 70-hour workweeks as highlighted by tech magnate Narayana Murthy, leaves little room for personal life, let alone the responsibilities of parenting. High-achieving professionals are finding themselves in a relentless pursuit of career growth, where taking a break for family seems almost like a setback.


The Financial Prism


Beyond the constraints of time, the financial aspect of raising a child in today's world adds another layer of complexity. From skyrocketing educational expenses to the basic costs of healthcare, nutrition, and living, the economic burden of parenthood is more daunting than ever. The financial planning required for a child's future often leads many to question if they can provide the quality of life they aspire for their offspring.


The Educational Expedition


Education, a cornerstone of child development, has become a costly affair. The aspiration to provide the best schooling often translates into a significant financial commitment, starting from early education to higher studies. This aspect alone can be a deterrent for potential parents, who ponder whether they can afford the best educational opportunities for their child.


The Shift in Priorities


There’s an emerging narrative that values personal growth, travel, and experiences over traditional family structures. The modern individual's bucket list is more about exploring the world and less about settling down. The dream of parenthood, for many, is either taking a backseat or being omitted entirely.

Societal & Psychological Impacts


This shift isn't without its societal and psychological ramifications. On one hand, it speaks to a society that’s increasingly individualistic and possibly more isolated. On the other, it brings to light a generation that's actively choosing personal freedom and financial stability over familial responsibilities.


The Global Perspective


Globally, countries are already witnessing the impact of this trend on their demographics. Aging populations and declining birth rates in nations like Japan and Italy pose challenges to their socio-economic structures, hinting at what might be in store for other countries following suit.


Conclusion: A Reflection on the Future of Family


As we navigate this complex socio-economic landscape, the question that looms large is: Are we experiencing a fundamental shift in the idea of family and parenthood? Is the increasing inclination to remain childfree a temporary trend or a permanent change in societal fabric? And more importantly, what does this mean for the future of our societies and the very concept of family as we know it?

Do you agree that there is a "transformative shift" in priorities of couples from "family" to "career"?

  • A. Yes, family & children have taken a backseat, of late.

  • B. No, some couples give equal importance to both.

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